
Origin of the Sandwich

Lord Montegue, the 4th earl of sandwich was a very busy man and he would call for a slice of beef in between two slices of bread because he didn't want to spend time eating. He needed something he could eat holding in one hand, so that he could go through his work while eating. Eventually word spread about this new food and it became popular very fast. And people called it a sandwich after the man who invented it. It is also said that He gambled a lot and would eat a sandwich while gambling, and that this is how it spread.
    I'm actually surprised that nobody thought of sandwiches before him. It's so simple and good. And i didn't know that it was named after a person. Sandwiches are one of my favorite foods. They come in many different types and can be good for your health. Know who invented the sandwich might not be such a useful piece of information but i think that it was a nice little fact to find out.

1 件のコメント:

  1. The phenomenon of the sandwich appears to be quite ancient (it goes back, at least, to ancient Jewish times) but the name for it, "sandwich," is relatively recent, being traced back to the Earl of Sandwich, John Montagu, as you pointed out. It is an interesting bit of history.
