
Food Movie Review

Super Size Me
 I picked up this movie because it focuses on a major problem in America right now, obesity. This movie is a documentary of a man who eats nothing but McDonalds for an entire month. He also constantly check with doctors to see how fast food is effecting his health. Aditionally the movie goes into how serious obesity has become in the United States.
 It turns out that in America 1 out of 4 people are considered obese and is quickly overcoming cigarettes for the number one preventable cause of death. I was particularly surprised by just how bad soft drink like coka cola were to the human body, since i drink these types of beverages every day. Most soft drinks that are not sugar free contain as much as 18 packs of coffee sugar, and these drinks are thought to be one of the major reasons why so many Americans have become obese. Not only that, the sizes of fast food meals have become bigger over the years and people are encouraged to buy bigger sizes because it gives more bang for the buck. In the movie a woman showed how the small fries at McDonalds right now used to be the only size of fries back when they just started. And super-size soft drink did not exist until a few decades ago. Another reason is that Americans don't cook anymore, and eat out for most of their meals.
  By the time 30 days had past, the man had gained 25 pounds and had irreversible damage done to his liver. It took him a 14 months to lose the 25 pounds that he gained in a mere month. This movie changed the way that i think about food a lot. I don't feel like eating at McDonalds anymore and i also think that i will hold back on the coke. Fast food may be a lot worse than many people think.

1 件のコメント:

  1. I'm very glad that this film influenced you to think more about the impact of what you eat on your health. It's never too late to change habits and become healthier. Improving eating habits when you're young (as you are) is a lot better than waiting until you're my age to do it.
